
I looked back at my life and I can see how God has really been good to me . when we say a grateful heart, it goes beyond just saying a casual thank you to someone. I’ve learnt that even for the smallest things one has to be grateful. Have you ever sat down to wonder how you just breathe in and out easily without paying a dime and then some other people are out there paying millions just to breathe, some people go out and sash their legs against a small rock and from there the become paralyzed but you go out and dash your feet against that rock and its like nothing happened . you think it’s magic?

A grateful heart is playful and has fun. This world has a lot of serious problems, but we cannot take ourselves too seriously. We need to laugh at ourselves and at the challenges that life brings. We need to have fun together. If we don’t, we despair, which weakens us to inaction. A cheerful heart is good medicine

I know most people are like what’s there to be thankful for, I have no money, I have no job, I have no partner and this and that and then some people just don’t ever get tired of complaining. That time most people use in complaining why don’t they ever say God I thank you for this and that because I know your promise for me and I know it’s going to be fulfilled. Let me give an instance whereby a child goes to his father and says dad I want a toy car, then his father says OK son no problem ill get you a toy car but you have to wait a little while. The next morning the boy wakes up to greet his dad and then he says good morning dad, thank you for the toy car. Every morning when he goes to greet his dad he dies the same thing over and over again without even getting the toy car, don’t you think even if that father never wanted to buy the toy car he’d be forced to buy because his son has been thanking him in advance for what he has not even done. Now let’s put ourselves in that position with God, don’t you think when God sees how grateful you are for that thing that He hasn’t even dine for you He’d me moved just to perform that miracle in your life even a bigger miracle than what you have been expecting.

Begin to thank God for all the blessings he has given you instead of dwelling on the negative. Are you grateful? Are you grateful for your present circumstances? Are you grateful for your salvation, your friendships, and your job? Being grateful is a key to your life. It is the key that turns your situation around because it changes you, your outlook, and your attitude. There is power in a grateful heart.

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  1. drewkiercey says:

    #GratefulAllDayEveryDay #FeelingBlessedToEvenBeAwake #GratefulTheOppurtunityToMakeThePeopleILoveProuderThanYesterday #GratefulToSeeTheYoun’unsGrow #GratefulToBeAbleToHelpThemToGrow #CycleOfLife #ThatAllIt’sAbout

    — Bless


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